If you are travelling, be it on a trip or to your office, you need your money and cards with you. Having them in your bag can cause problems. They will be unorganised and scattered. It can even take time to find them in your bag while you are paying. Understandably, you do not want to carry a wallet or purse because they take too much space and make your bag heavy. Moreover, they do not fit in your pocket. More the reason why you should try out the rfid wallet.
What is special about this wallet?
The sleek and slim design of these wallets let you carry them anywhere. You can put them in your bag or keep them in your pockets. They can hold enough amount of cash and your card. You should not underestimate them because of their small size. Even though they look tiny, they enough space to carry your cards, ten plus bills and has a small chamber for coins. Also, the rfid wallet is made of horse leather and thus, giving an elegant look.
Textures and colours
You can get them in all shades of dark colours. They have a fine grain leather texture. And their finishing is so fine that they will not tear soon or get scrapped by a small scratch. They are designed to last and waterproof. So your bills and cards stay well protected. They are available in three different design, although none of their sizes exceeds the sizing of 7.5cm x 8.0cm x 0.3cm.
You can get them in all the colours and design. They are highly functional and will be perfect to go with your every outfit and not create any extra burden. Neither will make your baggage or pocket heavy. They will carry your bills and keep them protected and organised.